I've realised that I've so much to learn. I'm so much like an empty canvas, so unfilled so unsatisfied without colour or texture. And here am I with colours all around me like ghosts so full and complete. And I walk through them looking like a slab of stone. While I have the freedom to siphon these experiences just by taking one step forward and abandon the grey clouds behind me, one of them grey clouds anchors me with the pull of laziness.
About Me
- Name: Geetar_Dog
- Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
I've always loved writing poetry ever since I was 7 or 8. Then came the guitar playing, and the band. And so began my journey as a songwriting enthusiast. When I learnt what an excellent Einstein of songwriting Bob Dylan is, I was awestruck, and my writing was never the same again. That's how strong an influence he has on someone who is halfway across the world. So yes that's as exciting as I can be. Sorry to disappoint you.
Previous Posts
- I fall, I stumbleI create excuses to cover up my a...
- I've decided that this is it. I've dwelled enough ...
- I've always been proud of practicing the things I ...
- My spirits are down. And I am sure things are boun...
- I dunno. I hate it when things turn out this way. ...
- It just suddenly hit me. After a whole humid day o...
- Dried toads all stiff from the many days after dyi...
- FORGIVENInto the dimly lighted spaceI knelt and pr...
- Trust has become a word to me now. A loose word th...
- Yet again I am pounded by a thousand and one quest...
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