Sunday, January 30, 2005

I've been cordially invited to step out the door and not to come back. But I tried to wedge my foot in the door, only to let it be slammed and crushed. I knocked and rang the bell and I called, but my efforts were all ignored. I have always told you my deepest thoughts and feelings. But that's all I that I could have done. Missing someone who brushes off my words of profession is not really something I can take any longer. Thank you for the times and memories. I have been blessed.
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Friday, January 28, 2005

The mere thought.
The dry moods.
My empty hands.
A rich presence of quiet.
Beady tears.
A weak smile.
An even weaker laughter.
Fat jazzy tunes.
Slow nights.
Crawling days.
Mangled beliefs.
A ruptured rapture.
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Friday, January 21, 2005

Never knew I would find myself walking down this street again. Stocks of memories reaching out desperately to grab me. It was literally memory lane. How stubborn time can be. Now with every step of the way, I hop a step further in an effort to expand the space of time within a day, so i can do more things. Meet more people, get more things done, but at the same time, appreciate the smell of the roses.
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Monday, January 10, 2005


Brother, it seems, you have been beaten.
As Law decrees and Precept goes -
Your corpse is sniffed round by hyenas
And circled by the hungry crows.

It's not the pack who were the stronger,
Smaller beasts beat you to tatters -
And who fights now over your carcass:
Jackdaw? Jackal? Hardly matters.

Your fist when it was time to use it
Always stopped halfway in the air -
Was it charity? Weakness? May be.
Fear? Pride? Modesty? I don't care.

Or mere disgust, perhaps. So be it.
Good. Amen. I accept the terms.
I prefer that worms should eat me
Rather than I should feed on worms.

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Sunday, January 02, 2005

My new year's resolution:

1) Grow tall.

2) Be as big as Bono.

3) And become a billionaire.

4) With a six pack.

I think number 1 has the best possibility.

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My new year's resolution:

1) Write something everyday. Be it on my blog, on a scrap of paper, in a journal, whatever. Just write.

2) Write at least a song every month.

3) Pick up a new activity. Something. Whatever.

4) Stick to it.

5) Get my "lak liap". Remove myself from the world of slops.

6) Do not cut my hair..... =P
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