Monday, August 30, 2004

Run along the sands that dusty now the stretches of beach
Funnel in the saltwater washes as they squash themselves onto the clay pebbled land
Now as the breath of wind pulls under the puffy sky,
White like spotty napkins stained on sperm
The raging splashes shout with hoarseness like clearing throats
Phlegmed up in a flaming cough and back down again swallowed
Yes and the dangle sunny screams light into being
Bronzing up skin slimed and splodgy in bananaed oils
Laying nicely carpeted and scalding in such masochistic vain ways
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Saturday, August 28, 2004

My Contrition

Allow me to introduce myself
I’ve been away for too long
I don’t know if you would recognize my face anymore

But anyhow here I am again
To shatter down these walls
I've built them through the years

By now I have learnt
How to put the past behind
I've swallowed all the pills
Of my pride and my prejudices

And now that I'm reborn
I'll try to stash the bricks away
I'll never run again

Won't you help me?

So I guess that you should know me by now
I'm pretty sure that you did
Right from the start

But anyhow here I am again
I've stripped down my disguise
For you

Won't you help me
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Slowly, the words that have lost their way, hidden in the crevices of grey, are thumping back, returning in small chunks, to the amnesiac brain of mine. But they are now back with stands and legs. Not like the wings that they use to have when they floated around and came and gone as and when they liked. That is the freedom I use to have. They were plucked randomly off they boughs hanging richly before me. But now, they seem ripened and stable. Worthy more of comprehension. Without the freedom of floating and snuggling secretly into sentences to draw them in the mind with no effort.
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Monday, August 23, 2004

I'm pulling hairs all over for a story. And slowly and finally, there's something good for me to write. I hope this'll turn out good and well.
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Sunday, August 22, 2004

Today is a Sunday.
But I am glad that at least I've got something to look forward to for the day.
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Friday, August 20, 2004

I was great once in my life. Was an honest screamer, but burnt away all my tears and tore down whatever that came in my way. Cos then it became apparent to me how my life started to evolve and mould itself into something that I didn't ask for. I was something superficial carved out into a vase that maybe I wasn't supposed to admire myself. The hopes that haloed over me were made to stay there for i am and will always be the only guy in the family.

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