Once more upon a time. The wonder of all wonders. The pain of all pains. A tiny flower wilts. And the tempest sweeps it away. Once more upon a time. The juggernaut crushes. The swell rises. The hauntings inundate. And my mind augments a decline. Once more upon a time. A hole gaped. And I got swallowed up whole. Into the darkness. Into the void.
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sunday, April 23, 2006
thoughts of you
i remember showering you with kisses
and how you loved basking in them
i remember holding your hands
feeling the warmth and tenderness of them
i remember the hugs
how good and comforting you felt
i remember your words
and how i treasured every lovely compliment you gave me
i remember the laughters
the silly things we did together
i remember your angel face
your smile, your eyes, your lips
i remember making up after the fights
they were the most tender moments
i remember your sweetness
the letters you wrote with unrestrained love words
i remember looking into your eyes
seeing only me in them
i remember the days that belonged to us
nothing could ever disturb our time together
i remember the nights that belonged to us
touching you and feeling that everything is right
i remember how you blushed when you read my poems
they were written exclusively for you
i remember the little hearts you gave me
they still sit in the throne of my heart
i remember our walks
i treasured every second every step of the way
i remember my birthday
i felt like the most special person in the world
i remember how inspired i was by you
you were the muse to my music
i remember the very first kiss
i was on top of the world
i remember you darling
and how perfect you always are to me
I remember my mistakes
and i vow never to repeat them again
i remember not to harp on things
because i learn that our love will make us better people
i remember loving you
and how i'm loving you more each day
and i remember how you love me
nobody else makes me feel more special than you make me feel
i love you...
i remember showering you with kisses
and how you loved basking in them
i remember holding your hands
feeling the warmth and tenderness of them
i remember the hugs
how good and comforting you felt
i remember your words
and how i treasured every lovely compliment you gave me
i remember the laughters
the silly things we did together
i remember your angel face
your smile, your eyes, your lips
i remember making up after the fights
they were the most tender moments
i remember your sweetness
the letters you wrote with unrestrained love words
i remember looking into your eyes
seeing only me in them
i remember the days that belonged to us
nothing could ever disturb our time together
i remember the nights that belonged to us
touching you and feeling that everything is right
i remember how you blushed when you read my poems
they were written exclusively for you
i remember the little hearts you gave me
they still sit in the throne of my heart
i remember our walks
i treasured every second every step of the way
i remember my birthday
i felt like the most special person in the world
i remember how inspired i was by you
you were the muse to my music
i remember the very first kiss
i was on top of the world
i remember you darling
and how perfect you always are to me
I remember my mistakes
and i vow never to repeat them again
i remember not to harp on things
because i learn that our love will make us better people
i remember loving you
and how i'm loving you more each day
and i remember how you love me
nobody else makes me feel more special than you make me feel
i love you...

Saturday, April 08, 2006
Hanging in the ocean deep
Slicing the water's edge
Recalling the last real smile
Recalling the teary shed
A flogging gust of wind
The stripping rays of sun
The cracking whip of words
They flay my hided pride
This very familiar sight
Or sound, or taste, or touch
I'm wretchedly exposed
Again, again and again
Scrounging my last few senses
Beating my soul to sleep
I close my eyes to death
And feel it once again
Slicing the water's edge
Recalling the last real smile
Recalling the teary shed
A flogging gust of wind
The stripping rays of sun
The cracking whip of words
They flay my hided pride
This very familiar sight
Or sound, or taste, or touch
I'm wretchedly exposed
Again, again and again
Scrounging my last few senses
Beating my soul to sleep
I close my eyes to death
And feel it once again